Thursday, September 24, 2009

What Goes Around...

Hey Girl,

Your rants are very much welcome. That's one of the reasons I originally chose to move away. I was done with the drama, I hated everyone and I needed to get away.

Obviously you aren't stupid. And obviously you're not going to go out to lunch at the busiest place in town with someone you're sleeping with. Were you out with LongHair (or did we have another name for him?)? Or someone new? And the message was from a girlfriend? Guaranteed... GUARANTEED... this particular girl is completely jealous of your life, your ability to have a relationship with guys, and your current relationship with your HUSBAND! Hello... you're married for a reason. If you didn't want to be married anymore, then you WOULD go out to lunch with the guy/guys you were sleeping with. Girls need to get their shit together!

If I was you, I would have walked up to said texter and straight up said "what is your deal? you need to chill the eff out." That is unclassy, and NOT even a little bit like what a friend should do. Did she at least try to say she was joking?

I feel for you, babe. It's bullshit. Wish I could be there to be your lunch date... I'm coming back to the small town for the Thanksgiving weekend, we can date then :)

I have to tell you a funny story tomorrow after I am done work. You will understand my embarassment... yes... I was embarassed! Couldn't even believe myself...

Until then...
Miss you dearly,

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