It's been a long time... but I think its time we continue...
The most recent FUN thing in my life... I met a guy! I've been noticing him for the past couple years, he's so nice, so genuine, so caring... and he is a little older than me. Just a little. Ok... well twice my age.
I met him via Twitter... well sort of. It's a long story and it ends with him messaging me on Twitter. Oh, and he creeped me on Facebook.
There's also another interesting fact about him. He's kinda famous. Famous in the sense that he is on a TV show in Canada. So we'll call him FamousMan.
So we were Twittering back and forth on Friday and he asked me for my number so we could chat. So he called me! I totally thought someone was playing with me. I didn't actually think it was him until about 2 minutes in. We chatted for about 10 minutes, and then he flaked... wouldn't go for a drink because he "had to get up early." Lame. But on Sunday, we met up for a quick coffee before I headed to work.
I was so intimidated! I felt like everything I was saying sounded ridiculously stupid. And then as he was leaving, he leans in to do the traditional kiss-on-both-cheeks-celeb thing. I was so caught off guard. I had no idea what to do.
Then he sped off in his very, very nice expensive car. (After shaking hands with some of his fans.)
I thought I wasn't going to hear from him again. I mean, like c'mon: I'm half his age, I sounded like an idiot, he has a child older than me...
But this morning... we made a tentative plan to meet up this weekend! So we're going to see where this goes.
One of my girlfriends, BlogGirl, thinks the whole situation is crazy and a little weird. I must admit, it's a little out of the ordinary. And kind of magical.
I'm gonna play this out and see where it goes. The point that I think I need to make clear is how nice and genuine and sincere he is. I'm so strangely attracted to him for these characteristics. It's not the fact that he is freaking FamousMan. He's just such a warm person. So hot.
Anyways, I'll be back to the prairies in just a few days! Hopefully I won't have to run into FP, but you know its inevitable...
Miss you,
xoxo Carrie
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