Miss Samantha,
Monday was a better day. After last week, I needed to catch a break. It was taking a toll on my mood, my concentration, and my actions. I didn't even go out for my roommates birthday. It was a difficult time.
Luckily, I have a dad who is wonderful and thinks the same way I do. He was the only one who knew what to say.
On Monday, I got back an assignment from a class that I dread. I thought I bombed it because, frankly, I just don't care about that class and was pretty sure I didn't put very much effort into it. Turns out I lost one mark only... I got a 99!
Later that day, while I was working, I had a client who I spent 45 minutes with answering questions and touring him around the facilities. He came back about an hour after I was finished with a gift card to one of my favourite restaurants! It was so generous - it was part of my job!
After work, I got a phone call from a school in the US who is interested in my attending their grad program! I mean, I still have a lot of school left here in Canada and that's not something I would need to decide until the end of the summer - but holy frick! I was so excited! (But, the chances are that I will stay in the cold land we call Canada.)
The week started out great! My roommates have left for the week and I now have the house to myself to catch up on so much work!
Missing you as usual, update me when you get a chance in your busy day!
xoxo Carrie
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