So before i start my rant i must comment on your last post, which i certainly found hilarious....and i agree, one nite stands are not often something that provide an over exciting feast of foreplay...maybe why most people have regrets, lol
But i have to leave that topic for a moment and discuss something that happened last nite, it was a head shaken moment in my books for all women. I was out for an evening of socializing and enjoying myself with convo and drinks. A male friend in our group decided we should move our party to the other bar in town(i can say "the" other-cause in this small town thats the options, ha)
But i have to leave that topic for a moment and discuss something that happened last nite, it was a head shaken moment in my books for all women. I was out for an evening of socializing and enjoying myself with convo and drinks. A male friend in our group decided we should move our party to the other bar in town(i can say "the" other-cause in this small town thats the options, ha)
anyway....we go over there, since that is where his gf was hanging with her friend and he wanted to go over and socialize(make a good impression on these friends). It was actually kinda cute to watch him go outta his way to talk to her friend and flirt a bit....BUT the stupid gf got all pissed off at him and jealous CAUSE, he flattered her friend and not her....OMG!!!!! REALLY!!!! then an little drama occured and the whole dynamics of the socializing changed and he was pissy and she was all pouty...F*CK ME!!
You know it drives me crazy when a female who has no reason to be jealous IS so insecure with themselves they need to create drama so they can feel important and special again....if he is your bf and your relationship is at all worthwhile, just b/c he told your gf(who btw also had her bf there)that she looked good....it does not mean you didnt look good!!!
even if you looked like a trash can, why is pouting and acting like a three yr old throwing a temper tantrum going to make you look hotter????
I can't even write a lesson for this disgracful performance because there are so mant obvious ones to choose from....
even if you looked like a trash can, why is pouting and acting like a three yr old throwing a temper tantrum going to make you look hotter????
I can't even write a lesson for this disgracful performance because there are so mant obvious ones to choose from....
I will comment a final thot....... i do not appreciate couples who get into this drama and make what was my fun nite and turn it sour, nothing worse then leaving the nite on that note....As the couple who has issues---we all know your gonna work it out and have amazing make-up sex(good for you), i however ask that you start your fighting then on the drunken walk home....after i've left!!!
thank you
-small town samantha
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