Dearest Samantha,
Congrats on almost being done work. On to the next chapter... :)
I just started my new job here in the city yesterday. It was a long and crazy day and today was no better. Today gave me the opportunity to see a number of new, young arrivals to the city to begin their post-secondary journey. One of the things I couldn't help but notice is the way young girls dress and present themselves. I was appauled. The skank-factor just increased by 20 fold here. Ridiculous.
There were so many unclassy and slutty-looking girls, that I couldn't help but stare. I mean, boobs hanging out, short shorts so short I could see their bums, and long, dry blonde hair backcombed so much that it looked like they had 4 Bump-Its in it. (Side note: I want one of those for Christmas... a ShamWow and SlapChopper, too). Why is this the new "attractive" norm? I think that they look like dirty, unkempt Barbie dolls. The worst part is that they all have huge heads because guys give them attention for looking this way. Guaranteed that at least 45% of the Dirt Barbies got laid tonight, too. Welcome to college.
I've had enough of that shit.
What about the girls with short, cute brown hair, who fully clothe themselves, while still maintaining a secret and mysterious sex appeal? I, for one (and I will put money on you being in the same boat), like wearing my clothes and would rather only expose my breasts and genitals to a guy who deserves it. I wish young girls realized that the boys that are going to want you in the future and will stick around long-term aren't just trying to fuck you during your first week of college and are the ones who don't really want you to have slept with your entire campus before you graduate in four years. Maybe I'm the only one who shares these views. Seriously, have your fun this week, but then its time to grow up. And if I see you at the bar in your no-clothes outfits, I'm going to punch you in the face. Have some respect for yourself, please.
I also ran into an old fling today. He looks amazing still and I was intriguingly attracted to him. He is one of those people that I think I will always crush on - sorry FP. We will call him B-Man, because he is a business man and I'm sure there will be more stories to follow about him and his "crew." I will for sure see him Thursday, and FP visits Friday... fun is sure to ensue.
On another note, I got a new bed yesterday and I'm breaking it in this weekend! :)
Miss you incredibly,
-Crazy City Carrie