Small Town Samantha,
I feel like lately I am surrounded by dumb, stupid girls who are so crazy they cannot realize when they are making fools of themselves and everyone around them is laughing.
Tonight, when I was hanging out with FP, we were watching Dragon's Den (you know, the show on CBC where people with weird inventions are trying to convince the richest people in Canada to invest in their ideas... cool concept, and really funny when they get shut down). Anyways, there was this woman who decided she would try to market her dog, a really fat pug named Wrinkles, and create "Children's Reality Photograph Books". I almost died laughing. She actually thinks that kids are going to want to read about a dog and look at pictures with captions like, "This is my mommy" and, "I like to chew shoes." She also thinks she is going to sell 1 million copies. And she was dead serious. One of the investors asked her why. Her response was, "well did you ever buy Clifford books for your kids? why wouldn't you want a story about a real dog?" Uh, probably because he's not big and red, I can't ride him and I already have a real dog. Get your shit together lady.
Where have all the smart girls gone? They are ruining it for the rest of us.
*Crazy City Carrie
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