Monday, August 31, 2009

No surprise


So agree with the comments on the clothing choices so many females are making..but i also believe you get what you put into it...and if you dont have enough respect to dress yourself properly why should a boy care how they treat you either.

So glad to hear you are breaking in the new bed...BUT i'm coming to visit you dont forget!!!! That "breaking in" process better not become too distracting.

So...on another note BB has pretty much stopped talking to me, i did think you would like that. He was such trouble anyway rite!!!

I miss you. i gotta run i wanna talk to you...but i keep getting interupted by the pilons in the office!


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Smack That

Dearest Samantha,

Congrats on almost being done work. On to the next chapter... :)
I just started my new job here in the city yesterday. It was a long and crazy day and today was no better. Today gave me the opportunity to see a number of new, young arrivals to the city to begin their post-secondary journey. One of the things I couldn't help but notice is the way young girls dress and present themselves. I was appauled. The skank-factor just increased by 20 fold here. Ridiculous.

There were so many unclassy and slutty-looking girls, that I couldn't help but stare. I mean, boobs hanging out, short shorts so short I could see their bums, and long, dry blonde hair backcombed so much that it looked like they had 4 Bump-Its in it. (Side note: I want one of those for Christmas... a ShamWow and SlapChopper, too). Why is this the new "attractive" norm? I think that they look like dirty, unkempt Barbie dolls. The worst part is that they all have huge heads because guys give them attention for looking this way. Guaranteed that at least 45% of the Dirt Barbies got laid tonight, too. Welcome to college.

I've had enough of that shit.

What about the girls with short, cute brown hair, who fully clothe themselves, while still maintaining a secret and mysterious sex appeal? I, for one (and I will put money on you being in the same boat), like wearing my clothes and would rather only expose my breasts and genitals to a guy who deserves it. I wish young girls realized that the boys that are going to want you in the future and will stick around long-term aren't just trying to fuck you during your first week of college and are the ones who don't really want you to have slept with your entire campus before you graduate in four years. Maybe I'm the only one who shares these views. Seriously, have your fun this week, but then its time to grow up. And if I see you at the bar in your no-clothes outfits, I'm going to punch you in the face. Have some respect for yourself, please.
I also ran into an old fling today. He looks amazing still and I was intriguingly attracted to him. He is one of those people that I think I will always crush on - sorry FP. We will call him B-Man, because he is a business man and I'm sure there will be more stories to follow about him and his "crew." I will for sure see him Thursday, and FP visits Friday... fun is sure to ensue.

On another note, I got a new bed yesterday and I'm breaking it in this weekend! :)

Miss you incredibly,
-Crazy City Carrie

Sunday, August 23, 2009

She's a Maniac

So before i start my rant i must comment on your last post, which i certainly found hilarious....and i agree, one nite stands are not often something that provide an over exciting feast of foreplay...maybe why most people have regrets, lol

But i have to leave that topic for a moment and discuss something that happened last nite, it was a head shaken moment in my books for all women. I was out for an evening of socializing and enjoying myself with convo and drinks. A male friend in our group decided we should move our party to the other bar in town(i can say "the" other-cause in this small town thats the options, ha)

anyway....we go over there, since that is where his gf was hanging with her friend and he wanted to go over and socialize(make a good impression on these friends). It was actually kinda cute to watch him go outta his way to talk to her friend and flirt a bit....BUT the stupid gf got all pissed off at him and jealous CAUSE, he flattered her friend and not her....OMG!!!!! REALLY!!!! then an little drama occured and the whole dynamics of the socializing changed and he was pissy and she was all pouty...F*CK ME!!

You know it drives me crazy when a female who has no reason to be jealous IS so insecure with themselves they need to create drama so they can feel important and special again....if he is your bf and your relationship is at all worthwhile, just b/c he told your gf(who btw also had her bf there)that she looked does not mean you didnt look good!!!

even if you looked like a trash can, why is pouting and acting like a three yr old throwing a temper tantrum going to make you look hotter????
I can't even write a lesson for this disgracful performance because there are so mant obvious ones to choose from....

I will comment a final thot....... i do not appreciate couples who get into this drama and make what was my fun nite and turn it sour, nothing worse then leaving the nite on that note....As the couple who has issues---we all know your gonna work it out and have amazing make-up sex(good for you), i however ask that you start your fighting then on the drunken walk home....after i've left!!!
thank you
-small town samantha

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tilt Ya Head Back

Miss Samantha,

Welcome back to the real world... holidays are over... Ha. And its time you write me back, even though you are busy busy finishing up with the summer crew... seriously, get on it.

So as FP and I were hanging out tonight, we started talking about penises (peni?) and oral sex. It was a strange and open conversation. But the conclusion we came to was that we both think that oral sex is more meaningful than regular (vaginal, if you will) sex. Agree or disagree? These are our reasons:

  • during how many one night stands do you really go down on a guy?
  • sometimes down-below-areas aren't all that nice looking, and you really have to like a person to do that, whereas in other cases you can meet a good-looking person from the waist up at a bar and eff them that night.
  • FP quotes, "I've flat out refused to do it when a girl asks because I really didn't like her enough."
  • from the girl's perspective, peni are scary and weird looking. I'd rather feel my way around first, then I will catch the snake in the net...


Lesson Learned # 4: Get your head in the game - a tidy house will sell faster than a messy one.

Take care!

-Crazy City Carrie

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why, Why, Why

Small Town Samantha,

Let's talk about this Facebook comment for a second. My boss sent me this as a forward (and a reminder) about how stupid, stupid, stupid it is to bitch about your job and boss over Facebook. I wish I could see this girl's face in that picture so I could hunt her down and tell her how effing dumb she is. Seriously? SERIOUSLY!? Who would ever, EVER write that on Facebook? And who could be so stupid as to forget they have their boss as a "friend"? Just further proof to my theory that if you're not actually my friend, you do not get to be my "friend" via the internet.

On another note, I do actually hate my boss right now (well my boss's boss), but she started holidays today and will be off until the day before my last day at this job. WOO! She was beginning to drive me off the wall with her bipolar-type personality. Ridiculous. The office is so much friendlier and calm and relaxing when she is gone :)

Anyways, just thought I send a quick note since you won't be back for another couple days. Hope the heat hasn't got to you yet :)

-Crazy City Carrie

Thursday, August 6, 2009



Ha ha, you make me laugh. I'm so pleased that you and FP gave'er a good go at it....poor farmer probably needed some excitment!

Can't say as i have tried it myself and can't say as i will, just might not be my thing. Ewwww, that makes me sound so boring...

Anyway i'll be sure to get more details from Grey and i'm pretty positive he will offer a live demo if you really bat your eyelashes.....ha. Anyway i will investigate more and get back to you soon.

Just packing up the office and shippin out for a week so i am hoping to have some juicy gossip to report after i return....
Keep driving safe, lol!!!!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In My Car

Dear Samantha,

This weekend I went out of town with FP. It was a three hour or so drive, so I wanted to come up with some "activities" to keep us entertained during the drive (and let's face it, road head can only last so long).

After we finished all of our road trip games that I made, I remembered that story you told me, about how your friend, Grey, did it in a car... while he was driving. I was thinking, how in the HELL could that possibly work!? Like, do I face the wheel and drive, or do I face him and he drives? It was really confusing me and was all I could think about. So I decided to give 'er a go.

Turns out - NOT AT ALL easy! So difficult (and hot ;)) that we had to pull down a dirt road to continue. Only tried it so FP could look over my shoulder, so maybe next time I'll see if I can keep enough control to drive. (Cruise would probably come in handy.) Pretty sure the farmer saw us, but no big deal. I don't know what kind of Wheaties Grey's been eating, or crack he's been smoking... but I seriously need to have a chat with him.

Lesson Learned #3: Driving in cars with boys can cause accidents!

Have you tried?
